Melodic Muse:IINDIRHE

Melodic Muse:IINDIRHE

Written by, Lefentse Valerie Molefe

Rhema Socika, 21, also known as iindirhe, is an alternative R&B and hip-hop artist looking to make a name for herself in the music industry.

The ‘vibe goddess’, as she is often referred to, is one of a special breed of artists in South Africa – she is a rapper, singer, songwriter and all-round creative.

Who is IINDIRHE? Rhema Socika better known by the stage name iindirhe is an alternative Rnb and hiphop artist. I am a lover of music and hip hop culture, and its within this space, where my passion for creativity began. I am a black woman in a male dominated field and I love that this is a space where i can challenge the status quo

What does music mean to IINDIRHE? I know this might sound really cliche, but music is literally my life. Its all that i am, every facet of my being exists in relation to my love for music. Its a way of expression that holds so much. I think id describe music as my super power.

Who inspires you the most? I think I’m surrounded by so many inspirational people that i cant pick one, even on the level of music i see so many artists doing incredible things. Artists like chance sza, kendrick lamar and rihanna have definitely made an impact on my sound

What is your greatest accomplishment? I think in life we are constantly evolving that process never really stops in our lives, my greatest accomplishment is being alive to live a life that is full of accomplishments.

What is your creative process?  I feel like it’s a tricky question for me, i mean for instance my creative process will begin with the melody and not the words or vice versa
Sometimes its about whatever works in the moment, sometimes it happens at home, on the road or the studio. Some songs take days and others take hours it all depends on the moment

Okay, Girl Talk. What is one tip you can give to girls, whether it be a beauty tip, health tip etc?  I’m big on healthy hair and I wish more people focused on health and not length. My biggest tip would be to always keep the moisture up and locked to avoid weak and brittle hair

Something people don’t know about IINDIRHE?I used to be a hiphop dancer in highschool. Can i also add that i love food and fashion

Can you tell us the story behind the GLTTR EP? The glttr ep is an honest ode to my musical journey thus far, my exploration of sound my self discovery. I genuinely feel like the ep came together on its own terms and its a reflection of my musical evolution

One word that describes IINDIRHE? VIBE

What inspires your fashion sense? I’d say my style is definetly inspired by the 90s
Vibrant colors and unapologetic boldness
I love taking fashion risks and pulling it off
I love how fashion is the extended version of the self
That moment is still on the way

Follow her on Ig: @iindirhemusic

Twitter: @iindirhemusic

Sound cloud: iindirhemusic